ROTARY CLUB OF MADRAS METRO was inaugurated as the 11th Club in the City of Chennai (then Madras). The club which was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Madras was started and chartered during the Rotary Year 1984-85 when Rtn.P V Purushothaman (Puru) was serving as the District Governor of the then undivided Rotary International District 323.
Puru had appointed Rtn.PP V Chidambaram (CT) of the Rotary Club of Madras(who later went on to become a District Governor of R I Dist.323 during 1988-89) as the Governor’s Special Representative (GSR) for the formation of the club. Late Rtn.PP. R P Sarathy & Late Rtn.PDG. K V Srinivasan of the Rotary Club of Madras and Rtn.PP B I Chandok of the Rotary Club of Madras Central had also contributed in the formation of the club.